

No Pleasure in this Treasure

Maybe I need to see the first one again, but in watching National Treasure 2, I found myself captivated by the mystery but infuriated...

I Am Kinda Legend

As I only liked 2/3rds of I Am Legend, I guess I’d overall recommend it. I thought Will Smith was good, the story mostly...

Bergy Todd!

I can’t merely sit here and simply type a review for something as amazing as Sweeney Todd. I’d have to sing you a review...


So look. I really don’t go into movies like Juno wanting to hate them.

The Early Effect

Just to share that I’m not all full of bile and rage, despite bad bad bad entertainment, I’ve started on my Mass Effect journey....

The Pissed

I realize now that I really have no allegiance to Frank Darabont. I’m not sure why I thought it was a good thing when...

Everybody Likes the Wulf

Seriously, what’s not to like? Unless you’re going in blind, you’re going in to see this thinking “monsters”, “300”, “digital nekkid Angelina Jolie”, “amazing...