
Author: Fat Ass

The New Way to Roll

AICN story on the next edition of D&D, apparently with optional online component to let the computer do the calculating. What a novel idea....

Terminator than Ever

Best episode yet. I’m stunned. I can’t wait for next week. I’m in love with Lena Headey. I hope this show stays at this...

Hey You Gamers

/> I need your help! I’m writing an article on the coolest throw moves in fighting game history. If you don’t know what I’m...


I’m through three levels now in the single-player campaign and it’s got a big meh from me. The third chapter was the best, loved...

Could it Really Be This Good?

You may have heard some buzzing about this game, which streets on Tuesday. But now it’s adding up– if the reviews continue this streak,...

Help a Brotha Out

If you’re going to be in San Diego this weekend, or if you’ll be in a comic store soon, or if you can type...


I LOVED THIS MOVIE. Have not been this awed since Jurassic Park. Totally forgave some cheesiness. Loved, loved, loved. Must see it again.