
Monthly Archive: March 2007


Reviewed at first US screening – Rendevous with French Cinema NYC March 2007. Don’t you just hate when… (spoilers ahead BUT being that most...

Bourne Supremacy

I recently rented Bourne Identity and thoroughly enjoyed it… so I rented the sequel…(expect spoilers)

Remake of The Host in the works

To everyone. Skip the Korean version. As we know, Americans make everything better. I hope Zach Snyder directs this. http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0&id=40531


http://www.globaltalentassoc.com/site/clients/goonie.htm from BURNT!

Almost $30M for 300

Friday’s estimate: $27,800,000. Seeing it tomorrow, IMAX-style, so we’ll see if I can get over the lack of character development, thanks to the overabundance...