
New ‘Never Say Never’ Poster


The biggest Hollywood news of the year swept through the internet this morning. No, not the Oscar nominations – I’m talking about Paramount’s release of the final poster for Justin Bieber’s “Never Say Never.” Duh. (Okay, fine, neither of these stories are of any interest to me but we’re doing this as a test to see how much site traffic increases if we tag the Bieber name onto a post). The many of you out there with Bieber Fever already have the February 11th release date marked on your calendars and now you have a new poster to hang on your walls as well.

The image features Justin standing between his old monochrome, small town Canadian life and colorful New York City. There’s also some sort of white light between his legs which made me wonder if perhaps the film has a twist ending involving aliens. Think about it – how cool would it be if we were treated to an ordinary concert film for the first half of the film, then… smack in the middle – Boom! Aliens show up mid-chorus of “Eenie Meenie” and Bieber is the only person who is able to save Earth with the power of his music! There’s your sequel, Paramount.

And to those out there who, for just one brief second, got their hopes up upon reading the headline of this story for Sean Connery’s return as James Bond in a sequel to “Never Say Never Again” – I deeply apologize.


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3 Responses

  1. Addison says:

    Justin bieber ? his so beautiful ! he is amazing he is so him ! he is Justin ?

  2. Jim Tieman says:

    lol, I love Justin! He’s awesome!

  3. pinki says:

    I love him alot and he is actually my age and i want to be his girlfriends and never leave his side…i love you justin alot……