
We’ve Been BLESSED With The Greatest Start To A New Year Imaginable.


Forget Mr. T and KITT. Tom Tom has a new downloadable voice for their GPS devices that is so monumentally epic it makes me want to get in the car and drive across country again just for the thrill of hearing him get me there. I’m speaking, of course, of none other than Brian Blessed. Yes, you read that correctly. We have all made it to a point in time where Vultan from Flash Gordon can scream “DRIVE!” at us as me merge into oncoming traffic. This is truly the greatest thing imaginable to me. I drove around aimlessly in circles the other night and never wanted the fun to end.

It all started from a Facebook petition where 25,000 people convinced the powers that be to make it a reality. Blessed thanked the fans soon after…

More video of the man who gave voice to Boss Nass after the jump! Watch him as he records turn by turn directions in the booth!

The voice can be downloaded for $12.95 through your Tom Tom Home software or go to TomTom.com/BrianBlessed. Thanks to EG friend The Alathal for bringing this fantastic story to our attention!


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