
The Last Exorcism Does Chatroulette


OK, now, normally I would never be posting anything that was remotely related to a shitty-shit the likes of The Last Exorcism. However, I’ve gotta give their marketing apartment props for what I think is one of the best marketing stunts of the year…

This is fantastic. It still won’t get me to see the film (although if it was an hour and a half of exactly this, I’d probably see it twice!)- but it does earn new respect for it and between this and Stallone’s YouTube chaos, it’s been a fun viral August.


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2 Responses

  1. donk land cruiser says:

    hahahaah that was great, those chatrouletters were real right? They looked real. Haha I wish she’d gotten you, you’d be so happy to finally see a girl and not a dingus then it turned out she was possessed wah-wahhhhh.

  2. auto insurance fl says:

    If this movie is anything like Roths Hostels then count me in. The Last Excorcism trailers look good. I hope it turns out to be an excellent film.
    the 1973, The Exorcist, is one of the best movies ever made. I cant wait for this film!!!