
Save ‘UP’ $200 for November 10th



Adventure is out there and coming to your home on Blu-ray and DVD November 10th, 2009!

This release will come in three main variations: a 4-Disc Blu-ray (2 Blu-rays, a Digital Copy for handheld devices, and a standard DVD), a 2-Disc Special Edition DVD (can’t confirm this one) and a 1-Disc Standard DVD. The barebones 1-Disc release will only include the shorts Partly Cloudy and Dug’s Special Mission as extras. The 2-Disc would add commentary, a featurette and a digital copy. On the other hand the 4-Disc set is packed with bonus material.

The Luxo Jr. Premium Combo Pack featuring an actual replica of Luxo Jr.! This limited edition item will be available on November 10th in the US. It’ll be packaged with Up on Blu-ray instead of the whole Pixar Blu-ray collection. Luxo Jr. himself is an actual working lamp and has a storing area at the base for Blu-rays. It comes at a steep price of $199.

Source = Pixar Planet


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2 Responses

  1. Eric says:

    I liked Up, but not THAT much.

  2. Robert Ahmed says:

    Where do you download some blue ray movie trailers in HD ?~;~