Noms, Anyone?


the button


What do you think? Six Noms for WALL-E is NOT enough! Should be best pic. Screenplay is nice, though. Where’s Clint?!


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  1. Eros Welker says:




    Dark Knight snubbing (though I would have been surprised if it were nom’d for Best Picture)


    Frost/Nixon best picture—really?  This was one of the BEST movie of last year??  REALLY??  Ridiculous.

    I really need to see the Button; I sense it’s going to do bad things to these Oscars.

  2. Cybergosh says:

    Button should get all the oscars other than ones WALL-E is nominated for.

    Kate should have gotten it for Rev.  Leo, too.

    Glad Peter Gabrial is nominated for the awesome chills he helped give as the credits rolled.

    Tomai being nominated for The Wrestler shows what a joke the business really is.  She’s a great actress – but her work in The Wrestler is laughable at best.  “Def Lep!” What. The. Fuck.

    Wrestler, Slumdog & Milk should all go down to the gym and pump themselves.

    Kirk Lazuras.  Amazing.  Please.  How cool would it be?