Mortal Kombat 1’s Pink Floyd Easter Egg with Conan the Barbarian?


Few video game Easter eggs can compare to the excitement surrounding the potential Pink Floyd reference in Mortal Kombat 1. While the game is known for its ninjas, there has never been a pink ninja. However, the development chief Ed Boon has teased fans with the idea of a pink ninja named Floyd. Recently, a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment in gameplay footage of guest character Conan the Barbarian revealed a ‘Floyd’ pop-up in pink text. Fans are now eagerly awaiting the release of Conan to uncover the mystery of this rumored Easter egg.

Mortal Kombat 1’s Pink Floyd Easter Egg with Conan the Barbarian?

– Mortal Kombat 1 fans are excited about the possibility of uncovering a hidden pink ninja character named Floyd, a rumored Easter egg in the game.
– Recent gameplay footage of Conan the Barbarian, a new guest character in the game, showed a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it reference to Floyd.
– It is unclear if the Floyd Easter egg actually exists or if it is just a tease from Mortal Kombat developer Ed Boon, known for trolling fans with pop culture references.

When it comes to video game Easter eggs, the legendary rock band Pink Floyd isn’t usually involved. However, Mortal Kombat 1 fans are thrilled about the possibility of uncovering a hidden secret related to the band with the release of guest character Conan the Barbarian this week.

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Mortal Kombat is widely known for its various ninjas, with Sub-Zero being blue and Scorpion yellow. Ermac is red and Rain is purple. However, there has never been a pink ninja in the game, which is where Pink Floyd comes into play. A pink ninja named Floyd has long been rumored to be hidden within the depths of Mortal Kombat 1, waiting to be discovered. Ed Boon, the development chief at NetherRealm, has teased fans by mentioning Floyd on multiple occasions. In 2023, a Mortal Kombat dataminer named TheThiny unearthed text in the game files that referenced a character called Floyd, further fueling speculation.

Now, it seems that Floyd may finally make an appearance in Mortal Kombat 1. Recently released gameplay footage showcasing Conan the Barbarian includes a quick glimpse of pink text that reads ‘Floyd’ on the left side of the screen. Super, a puzzled fighting game YouTuber who had early access to Conan gameplay, shared their excitement on social media. They noticed a guitar riff playing alongside the Floyd pop-up during Conan’s victory cutscene. Although Super wasn’t sure how they activated it and couldn’t replicate the event, fans of Mortal Kombat 1 are determined to solve this mystery as soon as Conan is officially released.

There is, of course, the possibility that there is no secret Pink Floyd fight to unlock, and this Floyd tease is simply a playful hint from Boon. He is known for trolling Mortal Kombat fans, and the series is filled with pop culture references and inside jokes that often lead nowhere. It’s likely that dataminers like TheThiny will investigate if anything related to Floyd has changed when the Conan update is implemented, but players will still have to discover the activation process, assuming it even exists.

As for Conan the Barbarian, he is set to be released on January 21 as part of the standard DLC early access period for Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns Expansion owners. The character, based on Arnold Schwarzenegger’s portrayal in the cult classic 1982 film, does not feature Schwarzenegger’s voice. The T-1000 Terminator is the final DLC character to be added to the game as part of the Khaos Reigns expansion, following other playable fighters such as Cyrax, Sektor, Noob Saibot, and Ghostface. NetherRealm has not yet announced a third set of DLC characters.

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