Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind – A Nostalgic Brawler Throwback

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind – A Nostalgic Brawler Throwback

– Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind is a retro brawler throwback game that captures the spirit of the original Power Rangers series.
– The game follows the 1993 timeline, with the Rangers encountering familiar villains like Goldar and the Green Ranger.
– The brawler stages are enjoyable, but the vehicle segments can be frustrating, and overall, the game feels disposable and lacks replay value.

When I think back to my childhood in the 1990s, two things instantly come to mind: the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. These larger-than-life heroes captured the imaginations of kids everywhere, including myself. Now, decades later, we see a resurgence of these beloved franchises. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind is a retro brawler throwback that aims to recapture the magic of the original series. While it may not reach the same heights as its turtle-inspired counterpart, it still manages to offer its own unique charms.

The game’s storyline takes us back to 1993, the year that the original Power Rangers series first aired. The Rangers find themselves facing familiar foes such as Goldar and the Green Ranger, but with the added twist of Robo Rita, a mechanized version of the classic villain. Robo Rita, overwhelmed by the experience and power of the Rangers, decides to travel back in time to team up with her past self. The modern-day Rangers must rely on their younger counterparts to withstand the machinations of two Ritas. This self-aware setting allows for callbacks to classic Power Rangers episodes and monsters, invoking a sense of nostalgia for fans of the original show.

The gameplay in Rita’s Rewind follows the typical brawler formula. You choose a Ranger and take on waves of Putties and Tengas with their unique attacks. The enemies are numerous but not particularly intelligent, designed to overwhelm you with sheer numbers. Your moveset is limited but effective, and you have a super attack that can clear the field when charged. Each Ranger is visually distinct and has their own personality expressed through their animations. However, their attack strength and range feel relatively the same, making Ranger selection more of a personal preference than a strategic choice.

The stages in Rita’s Rewind are divided into episodes, allowing for a more episodic storytelling approach. This cleverly mirrors the structure of the original TV show and adds to the nostalgic experience. In between stages, you can hang out at the local juice bar, engaging in brief conversations with other characters or playing arcade games. These moments of downtime add to the overall charm of the game and make you feel like you’re part of an old Power Rangers episode.

One aspect of the game that stands out is the vehicle-chase and MegaZord battle segments. These moments break up the brawler stages and offer a different style of gameplay. However, they can also be frustrating. The hit detection in the vehicle segments is imprecise, and the checkpoints for these sections feel arbitrary. Additionally, the MegaZord battles lack a sense of challenge, as dodging attacks seems more imprecise than intentional. It’s unclear if the developers intended these segments to be impossible to lose or simply opted for invincibility due to control issues.

Rita’s Rewind can be completed in just a few hours, and replayability is limited. While there is a bonus unlockable character, the gameplay remains largely the same. There is no character progression or shop to purchase upgrades, and the bonus objectives in stages lack clear rewards. Multiple difficulty modes and a Speed Run mode offer some challenges for those seeking to test their skills, but overall, the game feels light and disposable.

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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind is an enjoyable throwback that accurately captures the spirit of the original series. It embraces nostalgia with its callbacks and self-awareness, but it falls short in some areas, particularly with the vehicle and MegaZord segments. Ultimately, it provides a campy, nostalgic experience that will entertain fans of the original show but may not leave a lasting impression. **3.5 stars**


  • Super Mario RPG

    Wish I could watch these movies everyone else gets to see but I'm too busy playing games 24/7. Thanks Dad for the trust fund!

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