Oblivion Movie Review – An EntertainmentGeekly Podcast


oblivion-poster-tom-cruise2People always lament that there isn’t any good sci fi out there, but OBLIVION tries to change that up. The director of EG favorite TRON LEGACY returns with his post-apocalyptic sci-fi adventure, OBLIVION, and brings the legendary Tom Cruise along for the ride. We’ll cut to the chase, our views were mixed on this one, though the long story short: it’s not a bad movie. Why? You’ll have to hear our ravings and rantings to know for sure.

Highlights include:

  • Can derivative sci-fi still be good sci fi?
  • Joseph Kosinski – does he improve upon TRON LEGACY?
  • Tom Cruise – the last great movie star?
  • Morgan Freeman – is he paid by the second?

Be warned, there are some spoilers because to go deep into the movie, we had to discuss some of them. But please, share your thoughts and give a listen to our OBLIVION movie review podcast:


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