The Last Stand Movie Review – An Entertainment Geekly Podcast


The Last StandAs kids, Arnold Schwarzenegger was our hero, our aspirational role-model, our friend. He fought aliens, terrorists and exterminated humanity for our pleasure. So when “he’s back” in a new action movie, we of course needed to be there. That triumphant return is in the movie, THE LAST STAND, now in theaters, and stars Arnie as a local sheriff who has to fight off a bunch of thugs. As always, we give a little taste of our initial reactions post-movie with a special bonus at the end for movie-goers looking for something different.

Highlights include:

  • Arnold quotes galore, and why we still want Schwarzenegger movies
  • Constant unnecessary JACK REACHER needling
  • The curse of Peter Stormare
  • A special shout out to MAMA – a horror movie out this weekend as well worth seeing, in one man’s opinion.

As always, let us know what YOU think and if you see the movie, share your thoughts as well.

Until then, enjoy THE LAST STAND movie review podcast:


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