
It’s Okay To Be Takei!


From Yahoo! News — “Tennessee lawmakers have already gone to great lengths to ban discussion of homosexuality in state classrooms–but can they go the extra mile to forbid mention of the actor who played Sulu on the classic sci-fi TV series “Star Trek”? That’s the challenge that George Takei–better known to legions of “Star Trek” fans as the helmsman for the Starship Enterprise-laid down in the wake of the Tennessee Senate’s approval of a law prohibiting K-8 teachers from talking about homosexuality in class. (UPDATE: The House is unlikely to take up the bill until next year, the AP reports.) Takei, who is openly gay, has issued a statement that he will happily lend his own last name as a code term for homosexuality should the measure–which which opponents have termed the “Don’t say gay” bill–be signed into law.”

Read the full story HERE.


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