
Cybergosh First For FLYNN LIVES “Digital Pulse” LA Drop!


The LA coordinates were released at 3pm pacific and here we see an excited Cybergosh shortly after tracking down the sticker, making the call to Dumont Shipping and then being met by the courier minutes later…

The numbers around the picture of the vintage Tron arcade game lined up with the cut out spaces on the last page of the book. Then, another blocked call came in and, as the woman on the phone instructed, it was time to head North and a right on Lexington to a small park. There sat my contact, wearing a familiar Flynn Lives shirt… which led to the unlocking of Node 7.

Extra special thanks to GeekFilter.net for shooting and editing a piece of what went down at 34.09095, -118.35268 !

You, too can still experience a piece of the climax of this journey by going over to http://www.flynnlives.com/circuitpulse/portal.htm and have your cell phone at the ready…


See also  FX Movie News: 11-27-06

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1 Response

  1. donk land cruiser says:

    that’s awesome well done man! You’re always first in my book.