David Prowse Banned From Lucasfilm Events?!


Looks like you’ll have to get your “David Prowse IS Darth Vader” autographs elsewhere…

It is with regret that I have been informed by my friends at C2 Ventures, Ben and Phillip, that I am not to be invited to C5 this year or any other Lucas Film associated events. After enquiring, the only thing I have been told is that I have “burnt too many bridges between Lucas Film and myself” – no other reason given.

I have also been advised by the promoter of Paris Manga in September that LFL have requested no photo opportunities with the 501 Squadron, even though I am commander in chief of the 501.

Sincere apologies to all my fans who were hoping to meet with me – I shall miss you too. As you will see from my events page I will be at many conventions all over the world so we can still keep in touch.



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