Cybergosh Seeks Out The Tronorail !


It took some patience, but I knew it would come. I was not spending the day at EPCOT that day. I was there, waiting in Orlando’s thick humidity, waiting for what I knew would be coming — The Tronorial. Sure, I’d seen the pictures… the YouTube videos… but I had to see it with my own eyes. And if that meant waiting all day in the scorching sun then so be it! This was the first of its kind at Walt Disney World and something that in our wildest 1982 dreams would never have been able to predict we’d be seeing in our lifetime. Wait… something’s coming… is it?.. it looks blue… monorails are usually white… wait, just clearing the trees in the distance on its way from the Transportation Ticket Center… yes! YES! THERE IT IS! THE TRONORAIL!!!!!!!!!!!

More pics after the jump!…


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