
G4’s Watchmen Debate


In the online world there are numerous rivalries amongst various writers, that just comes with the job, but rarely do we ever get to see two rivals go head-to-head in a actual, legitimate debate. G4 setup a live debate on “Attack of the Show” between HitFix editor Drew McWeeny and MCN editor Dave Poland on Watchmen. Both are very big fans of the graphic novel and very familiar with it, however McWeeny appreciated and enjoyed the film whereas Poland did not. For just under 8 minutes, the two argue about the merits of the film and Zack Snyder’s directorial choices and more.

As you know, I’m WAY in the McWeeny camp. Poland comes off as a sheltered elitist moron. I am a guy who had NO knowledge whatsoever of anything going in and not only “got” the film but felt for EVERY single character in the piece. More and more as i see this film i realize how it will age as one of the ALL TIME classics for me. I simply do not get what everyone’s big deal over things like 99 Luftballoons. When that track begins, Lori walks in….Daniel looks up from cleaning his glasses…the film is alive. There’s not one moment of the entire three hours that isn’t. It’s just mind blowing to me that it exists. Tyler Bates’ score gives me the kind of chills not felt in 20 years. This is what movies are supposed to be.

No matter what you thought, screenwriter David Hayter has a favor to ask of YOU on seeing the film this important second weekend – read it HERE.

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No Responses

  1. rockthefaces says:

    It’s just very hard for me to take seriously the opinion of anyone named “McWeeny.”

  2. Eros Welker says:

    McWeeny AKA Moriarity!  I’m not going to watch this as it’s just two people arguing their opinions, and as we know, the only opinion that matters is box office.  Unfortunately, the American people do not agree with those who enjoyed Watchmen.  Boo.