Bergy’s App of the Day: Cu*Bert


My prayers have been answered. Here we have the iPhone’s first version of Q*bert. Sort of. With official verisons of other popular classics already available, I’m sure we’ll see Q*bert with a “Q” in good time. But for now, 2 bucks will get you the next best thing – “CUbert.”


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No Responses

  1. cybergosh says:

    If i was an APP designer, i’d create Cuth*BERT, where Elisha hops around.  The Cuthbert from Girl Next Door only though.  present-day Cuthbert looks likes she’s been eaten up and spit out by somethin’ bad.

  2. Junktape says:

    I prefer cuthbert.

  3. Eros Welker says:

    I used to love Elisha Cuthbert.  So sad.