Building Digital Bridges


A source reveals to io9 that Jeff Bridges has been sent up to Canada to be digitized. A plaster cast has been created of Bridges.

The tipster tells us that “They will then take that 3D model and make him younger and then slap it on a body double in post. As this is only one cog in the machine, I can’t give a whole lot of detail. Canada scans actors and props to be used for various projects. These are very high resolution scans that pick up every wrinkle, face lift and scar on the actors body.”


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  1. Eros Welker says:

    I was hoping this was about Todd Bridges.  Boo.

  2. cybergosh says:

    I enjoy the thought of a film where Jeff and Todd play themselves and, for really no reason in particular, have to battle it out in a series of fierce, deadly competitions (which involve lots of hot lava) to become “Ultimate Bridges.” But what the two foes don’t count on are the underhanded doings of Brother Beau, who just might have a few tricks of his own up his sleeves…

    Title = Burning Bridges

    Tagline = Some Bridges Shouldn’t Be Crossed.