Star Wars: The Old Republic Revealed



Finally, the game we all knew was coming was officially announced — Star Wars: The Old Republic. It’s a PC MMO (for now!), and there’s lots of other info to be gleaned from the recent press event. This will be the game that makes me play MMOs like an addict again!

Lots of loose info: Click here.
Screenshots/concept art: Click here.


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No Responses

  1. rockthefaces says:

    Boo. S1ngle-player 4 eva.

  2. Fat loss 4 idiots says:

    well the I like the first one better, but only become i hate the story like of 2, if it had a better story line like you are revans new apprentice and you need to destroy the “true sith or something like that it would be a lot better. the one it has is very confusing Fat loss 4 idiots

  3. andriana says:

    The majority of the entries for each character, vehicle, location, etc. has a “Behind the Scenes” tab that provides various information on original concept art, note on the actor (for characters), and production methods for creating miniture models and CGI elements. There’s a special section called “Hyperspace” (marked with an icon of a yellow “H” in from of the frames of the Millenium Falcon’s cockpit, which looks a lot more like a “H” on a movie reel at first glance) and in this sectrion subscription members can access additional articles.Tower Defence