


Edison Chen, who is basically the eastern equivalent of Justin Timberlake, had his camera or computer files stolen and all his sex pics are all over the web. This guy, who is a talented actor as well (Infernal Affairs II, Dog Bite Dog and the UPCOMING BATMAN) has slept with some of the hottest starlets in Asia including MAGGIE Q!!!!!!!!

Read this: http://shanghaiist.com/2008/02/05/edison_chen_bob.php

and if you want to see Cecilia Chungimage

in all her hairy glory, check out this: ALL SITES HAVE BEEN HACKED… YOU WANNA SEE PICS… TALK TO ME


No Responses

  1. MAO says:

    In keeping with the American tradition, the Hollywood remake of this scandal will be completely inconsequential and forgettable – Chad Michael Murray, a hacked iPhone, and Brittany Murphy, Gretchen Mol, America’s Next Top Model Shannon, one of the girls from one of the Final Destination movies…though points given for the inclusion of Vanessa Hudgens, who kept the look of the original.

  2. Cybergosh says:

    What a disgusting little mess.

  3. junktape says:

    can you post that here?  ugh.  in america, we don’t care about this.  Japanese timberlake has a baby penis.

  4. bake snaker says:

    just to be quite clear… I’m not in to this mess.  Cecilia should have all stardom revoked for that disgusting display.

  5. bake snaker says:

    Just an update… landed myself a 38 mb folder of alot of these photos… if you are interested… lemme know… Maggie Q’s are on the way… when I get those…there will be an EG exclusive!!!!!!  Oh, god.. this is just wrong.

  6. Eros Welker says:

    Bake, if you could just share links to photos that are naughty, that’d be best.  I’d rather keep the site R-rated for language versus nekkidness.  More to come on that front though.

  7. bake snaker says:

    no prob….  but these 3rd party sites are usually unreliable..especially with naughty pics.  I guess I will put on flicker account and link to it?