
This Bow’s Got Enough Ram To Run Smoothly!


It’s what you want it to be. It’s what we needed it to be. Thanks for coming through, Sly!


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  1. Fatbo says:

    I am DYING to see this and not one of these LA-based shitbuckets will see it with me!!!

  2. bake snaker says:

    I need to be honest though…. this isn’t a very good film.  Violent as hell and better than the last two Rambos but pretty bad film making.

  3. Cybergosh says:

    It’s not an easyntask to stage that kind of mayhem in the last half hour.  I say AMAZING filmmaking.  He did a great job.  Just not so much with the casting.  Lead girl is not so great.  Not bad enough to ruin it though.

  4. Cybergosh says:

    Hugh, i’ll come over there and see this with you today.  Let’s go !

  5. bake snaker says:

    true… the chaos was pretty chaotic.  I wonder how long that last sequence took to shoot

  6. Eros Welker says:

    Rambo is a simple film, with no surprises except in how intense the Rambo vengeance is!  I expected to be somewhat bored and that parts would be silly, but I never was, and in fact, I was quite impressed with everything.  I love Julie Benz in Angel and Dexter, but she’s not very good in this, but the movie isn’t called JULIE BENZ FROM ANGEL, it’s called RAMBO, and Stallone is AWESOME in this, and the action sequences are exactly what this gore whore needed.

    Holy shit, has January been awesome or what?!

  7. Roger says:

    Thanks for inviting me, you cocksuckers.

  8. Burnt says:

    Roger, MOVE to Manhattan, Bee-yatch!!

  9. Cybergosh says:

    No no no – this mean we will all just have to go AGAIN w/ roger !!!