LA Crispin Alert!


Crispin brings IT IS FINE and his Big Slide Show to LA this week!


From Crispin’s MySpace Page:

I will appear this Friday December 7 through Monday Dec 10 at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood. I will appear there nightly at 8:00 with the latest installment of the “IT” Trilogy
and perform my dramatic narrative readings of eight different books otherwise known as
Crispin Hellion Glover’s Big Slide Show
Then the film will be shown and then there will be a Q and A and then a book signing.
On Sunday December 9 Part One of the “IT” trilolgy What is it? will be shown instead of Part Two.

American Cinematheque
Hollywood California
December 7 8 9 10
6712 Hollywood Blvd
La CA 90028
323 466-3456

It would be great to see you there!
Thank you,

Now Crispin Glover will tour with limited engagements of
WHAT IS IT? It is fine! EVERYTING IS FINE. and Crispin Hellion Glover’s Big Slide Show!

Reviews for It is fine! EVERTHING IS FINE.

Wildly impassioned and macabrely fascinating
-Laura Kern
New York Times

Four stars!
As surprising for its visual boldness—as it is for its sincerity.
-Ben Kenigsberg,
Time Out

It’s one of the most queasy-making and confrontational films of the year. It is harsh. It is also funny. And quite an achievement — twisted romantic fantasy melded with blood lust, as experienced by a wheelchair-bound dreamer…a uniquely unsettling mixture of raunch, naivete and yearning.
Michael Phillips,
Chicago Tribune

The second part of Crispin Hellion Glover’s “It” trilogy is based on the screenplay and sinister musings of the late Steven C. Stewart, himself afflicted with severe cerebral palsy, who also stars in the film. Steven plays wheelchair bound Paul, who meets a divorced mother (played by Fassbinder goddess Margit Carstensen) at a dance who introduces him to her family (particularly her sexy daughter who takes a shine to him). Paul is obsessed with long hair and The Sound Of Music, but when his offer of marriage to the mother is rejected he reacts in homicidal rage. Leave it to Crispin Glover to remake My Left Foot as an avant-garde horror movie. Glover’s co-director- David Brothers’ art direction create streets and apartment interiors of hallucinatory luridness. That, mixed with the thunderous soundtrack of Beethoven and Tchaikovsky give the movie a relentless nightmare quality. Actress Lauren German plays a handicapped girl who Paul meets and tries to woo, but she dreams of dating someone not using a ramp. There is also a graphic sex scene that will keep this movie from ever becoming an event screening at the Special Olympics. Compared to Glover’s first film: What Is It? (2005), this surreal fantasy is marvelously macabre and narratively more cohesive. What Diane Arbus was to photography, Crispin Hellion Glover is swiftly achieving as a filmmaker. Training his sardonic eyes on the strange and afflicted he achieves a mad dark poetry ..uloid.
– Dennis Dermody (PAPER magazine)

Entirely set-bound and featuring dramatic lighting, deep shadows and such archaic effects as rear projection, the film has the look and feel of an old Hollywood movie, particularly one of Fritz Lang’s psychosexual lustmord melodramas like SCARLET STREET or HOUSE BY THE RIVER. But there’s never been a film quite like this one. One could as easily condemn Glover and codirector David Brothers for exploiting the physically challenged to indulge Glover’s own love of bizarre spectacle and curiosa as they could applaud them for enabling someone with cerebral palsy to fulfill a longstanding dream of writing and starring in his own movie. Perhaps it’s possible to do both simultaneously
Ken Fox
The statement Stewart makes in his script — that handicapped people can not only be as sensitive as everyone else, but just as horrible — is made eloquent, if bizarre, via Glover and Brothers’ otherworldy vision, rendered via elegant cinematography and a pronounced sense of the strange.
– John Aderson Variety Magazine

It is the second part of a Glover-directed trilogy about the physically handicapped. Glover’s aim is to show that people with less-than-perfect bodies are as human as anyone else. It’s a worthy and so-far successful crusade.
– V.A. Musetto New York Post

“Film noir fantasy for the unlikeliest of heroes. Beneath the surface lurks the ultimate empowerment movie for the ultimate movie underdog. This is revenge of the nerds raised to the nth degree.”
– Tony Sullivan, (UK)

“Glover and Brothers force you to see this crippled person as a suave leading man. To say the film is weird would be cliché. The odd thing about it all – it works. It’s actually refreshing to see someone who actually has cerebral palsy in a film rather than some actor playing someone with cerebral palsy…”
– Chris Gore, Film Threat

About It is fine! EVERTHING IS FINE.

It is fine! EVERTHING IS FINE. premiered at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival and won a special jury award in the New Visions section at the Sitges Film Festival Spain 2007.

It Is Fine! EVERYTHING IS FINE goes into uncharted cinematic territory with screenwriter Steven C. Stewart starring in this semi-autobiographical, psycho-sexual, tale about a man with severe cerebral palsy and a fetish for girls with long hair. Part horror film, part exploitation picture and part documentary of a man who cannot express his sexuality in the way he desires, (due to his physical condition), this fantastical and often humorous tale is told completely from Stewart’s actual point of view – that of someone who has lived for years watching people do things he will never be able to do. Here, Stewart’s character is something of a lady killer, seducing a troubled, recently divorced mother (Margit Carstensen), her teenage daughter and any number of other ladies he encounters along the way.? According to Crispin Glover, Stewart “wanted to show that handicapped people are human, sexual and can be horrible. He also states that “It is Fine! EVERYTHING IS FINE. will probably be the best film he has anything to do with in his entire career. Crispin Glover and his co-director David Brothers wanted to bring Stewart’s story to the screen.

FORWARD to movie by Steven C. Stewart (With original spelling)
This movie is not really about sex or even a cereal killer.? No.? This movie tends to look deep inside the heart and mind of a severally handicapped young man. (A handicap starts out from birth.? A disability happens later on in life). A very intelligent and ambitious 34-Year-old man who had to fight for everything all of his life. After finding the woman of his dreams, a woman he could really love, then to have that woman reject him was more than he could stand.? It was enough too drive him over the edge. This movie is to show that these people can have feelings too.? Feelings of good and ill.? And when circumstances become more than they can take they too can go over the edge

AFTERWARD to movie by Steven C. Stewart (With original spelling)

Thank you for coming and watching this movie. By doing so you as my audience helped me accomplish what I have wanted to do, show that a person which a severe handicap and disabilities have feeling to and sometimes can go over the edge. In 1937 when I was born people like this were kept in a back room, or placed in an institution and forgotten. If this movie had been shown at that time it would be sacrilegious.? It was felt that these poor misfortunate people were sweet things without thoughts or feelings and could do no wrong. It wasn’t until twenty- five years ago that they started being accepted as human beings.? I have never killed anyone and never intend too. However, I have taken many intendances from my own life and built the story around them. Thank you for being a participant.
Steven C. Stewart

See also  Donkey Kong Country: A Sneak Peek Into Nintendo's Super Nintendo World

About What is it?:

WHAT IS IT? premiered at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival and won Best Narrative Film at the 2005 Ann Arbor Film Festival. In the same year Mr. Glover was awarded the prestigious Maverick Award from the Method Fest which was presented to him by esteemed film director Werner Herzog. The film also won the Midnight Extreme Award at the Sitges Film Festival Spain 2006. It has played to sold out audiences in New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Seattle on this Fall 2006 tour.

WHAT IS IT?, 2005, Volcanic Eruptions, 72 min. Veteran actor Crispin Hellion Glover, who has appeared in over 30 films as an actor, including RIVER’S EDGE, CHARLIE’S ANGELS, THE DOORS, WILLARD, DEAD MAN, BACK TO THE FUTURE, WHAT’S EATING GLIBERT GRAPE, WILD AT HEART, THE PEOPLE VS. LARRY FLYNT the upcoming BEOWULF, THE WIZARD OF GORE, and EPIC MOVIE tours with his debut feature film as a director, WHAT IS IT? . Known for creating many memorable, incredibly quirky characters onscreen as an actor, Glover’s first effort as a director will not disappoint fans of his offbeat sensibilities and eccentric taste. Featuring a cast largely comprised of actors with Down Syndrome, the film is not about Down Syndrome. Glover describes it as “Being the adventures of a young man whose principal interests are snails, salt, a pipe and how to get home, as tormented by an hubristic racist inner psyche.” He also explains that the film is his psychological reaction to corporate controls of expression limiting the exploration of taboo.

In addition to writing and directing WHAT IS IT?, Glover also appears in the film as an actor in the role of “Dueling Demi-God Auteur and The young man’s inner psyche.” Fairuza Balk voices one of the snails. WHAT IS IT? is part one of a trilogy. Parts two, IT IS FINE EVERYTHING IS FINE…! is also on tour in a a beautiful 35 mm print. On part two, Glover collaborated with Utah writer-actor Steven C. Stewart, who also appears in WHAT IS IT? Stewart passed away from complications from cerebral palsy in 2001.The soundtrack makes use of Wagner and Bartok excerpts to ironic effect, as well as tracks by late Church of Satan high priest Anton LaVey, Charles Manson and a country track by Klassic Klan recording artist Johnny Rebel.

“Scenes with naked women in elephant masks, Shirley Temple, Glover being lowered deus-ex-machina style into a Maxfield Parrish scene…It’s like Fellini on psychedelics — wildly creative but completely twisted.” — Jane Ganahl, San Francisco Examiner

“ABSOLUTELY the most uncompromising and original thing I’ve seen. People try to compare it to the likes of surrealist hero Luis Buñuel and trailblazer Werner Herzog, but I say Glover has transcended even them.” –Kelly O., The Seattle Stranger Weekly

“It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen before…the unrestrained id of an artist at full frenzy, unafraid to mount onscreen what others would judiciously edit out. Glover’s film is like that the fever dream of a crazy person.”
–Dennis Dermody, Paper Magazine

“Crispin Hellion Glover, auteur, is a force to be reckoned with.” — Laura Kern, New York Times

Preceding the film is an hour-long live dramatic narration of eight of his books with illustrations from the books. Thisis also known as “Crispin Hellion Glover’s Big Slide Show.” Following the film screenings he will appear for Q & A at all shows. The evening will end with a signing of his books Rat Catching, Oak Mot, and Concrete Inspection.

Official Website:

American Cinematheque
Hollywood California
December 7 8 9 10
6712 Hollywood Blvd
La CA 90028
323 466-3456
