The Saga Begins




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  1. groom junky says:

    Wish I had some pics to post!!!!  Cannot wait to eventually post a full-on wedding feature in EG.  Should be some amazing pics on the horizon. 

    Feel bad I haven’t kept up in EG (I still have pics from the emmys I wanted to post) but I will surely make it all up soon enuff!!!!!!

    Can’t wait to see most of you on the enterprise bridge!!!!


  2. Fat Ass says:

    Las Vegas took my money.

    And raped my childhood.

    And I didn’t even get to see Little Legends– Cybergosh owes me a date!

    But I loved it, raping and all. Congrats to the Milano-Starr clan!

    Now I gotta hit the gym and work off all that Fatbat weight…