
GameFly – Rent, Beat and Return Games without the $50 price tag


Fact #1: You shouldn’t be shelling out $50 per title to keep up with the
flood of games on its way that really must be played (if even briefly) that
consist of: Stranglehold, Metroid Prime 3 Corruption, Dynasty Warriors
GUNDAM, Medal of Honor Airborne, and more.

Fact #2: Even the games recently released (or newly out) are must-plays,
which include BioShock, Dungeons and Dragons Tactics, Madden NFL ’08,
Overlord, The Darkness, or the Final Fantasy PSP games.

So, let me offer a solution: GameFly. It’s the “Netflix of Gaming”, and
while here on the East coast, the service is slow and kinda sucks, it’s
affordable at $22 for 2 games out at a time, and it’s probably a much better
return for the CA-based folk.

As I said, I can have 2 games out at a time, and normally I’m able to rent

about 4 on a monthly basis, minimum—so considering I’m paying $23 instead

of $200, that’s a deal to me.  For that alone, I’d try it, but here’s the

good, albeit complicated and possibly “too much work for its worth” news.

GameFly has a promotion that if you refer 5 friends, you can “earn a Wii or

a year of GameFly” that runs through the end of this month.  Each friend

needs to have an account for 2 months (approx. $46).  If 5 people sign up

(cough, Junky, Doug and Fatass, plus 2 more!), we net the Wii.  Then I can

just sell it on eBay for $250 and split the $41 with everyone, meaning that

for 2 months, you folks are paying a total of $5 to rent a bunch of video

games (and on the third month, you get 5 GameFly dollars which can be

redeemed towards an actual used game purchase, if you so choose).

I didn’t realize how scammy this would all sound as I started writing this,

but did want to try and offer a neat deal to the peanut gallery.  If you’re

interested (whether or not we get the Wii), all ya need to do is hit this

link and sign up: http://friends.GameFly.com/r/ea9a29faa0db102a919d
