
Megatron: Welker is Out – Weaving is In


This is sad news as the Welker involvment was what i was looking forward to the most.

Welker is not Megatron.

These are kinda okay…. though….. I dunno…… I still think the more simple logos were all they needed to sell this, a la Batman. Less is always more with this type of event.


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  1. junky says:

    Saddens me on one level, excites me on another.  Sure, it’d be great to have Welker.  But clearly this is going to be waaaaaaaay far from the Trans Formers we grew up with and the sooner we get used to that reality the better.  This is not gonna be Trans Formers the Movie by a long shot.  Loving Weaving as much as I do, I know he’ll do a great job.  But yes, it is really sad to see someone so much a part of the original be removed like this, especially so late in the process.

    THey should put an alternate track on the DVD with Welker playing the role – that’d be an awesome little extra for fans of the show!

  2. Cybergosh says:

    Yeah – i know it’s not the Transformers we knew, but at the same time, they are using Peter Cullen again for Optimus Prime, so, it’s kind of all over the place.  I’m not sure i like.  I’m not sure i like at all.  Going into this with the least of expectations.  Which is something new for me for an event as huge as this.

  3. Eros Welker says:

    Agreed.  On one hand, I can’t wait to see giant talking robots running around, turning into cars or tanks or helicopters, and killing humanity. On the other, I kinda wish, if it was to be called Transformers, that Megatron would be a gun and voiced by Welker.  Ah, whatcha gonna do?  I hope there’s a streetwise transformer, like a rusty old trashcan, voiced by Joe Pesci.