New 30th Anniversary Star Wars figures


While I’m sure I won’t buy a single one of ’em, I know Junktape won’t be able to contain himself, and Cybergosh will lose his mind stressing over wanting to collect them all. I shouldn’t share, but it is Star Wars.

“Beginning in January, Hasbro will be issuing 60 repackaged and revamped 30th Anniversary Star Wars action figures, each with a collectible coin. Darth Vader is the first release and comes with a five-panel, full-color album that holds all 60 coins.”


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3 Responses

  1. Cybergosh says:

    I knew this day would come.  As soon as the 30th year came, i have been waiting for these types of temptations to tease me non-stop.  Freakin’ Hasbro.  They have repackaged the same figures so many times by now that there are people out there who have bigger clone armies than Palpatine *slurrpsh* I refuse to-

    i mean i will be very selcti-

    i mean that i will be more selective than i’ve been in the pas-

    i mean i will only buy one of eac-

    i mean i will only buy 2 of each.


    2 of each.

    much better than the 3 of each i used to buy.



  2. Billy Chuckfist says:

    I can’t wait. Here’s what I did with my last darth vader action figure.

  3. junktape says:

    Yep, first two waves on preorder.  Much easier that way.  Though this year I’m trying to curb my enthusiasm for collectibles. 

    Repacks have been a big problem with Hasbro.  So be wary.  The 30th anniversary series has some really great new figures, as opposed to last year’s SAGA wave, which was MOSTLY repacks.

    There is a “Legends” series coming this year that you can totally avoid – loaded with repacks.

    But there are some gems – including a McQuarrie version of Boba Fett and some “Fan Choice” figures which are repacks of some rare and hard-to-find figures from the past.  (Such as the “Dark Trooper” from Shadows of the Empire)

    Anyway, if you really care – check out and scan their news headings for pictures and descriptions of the line. is also the best source of star wars news and their podcast, Forcecast, is great.

    Bergoch, you don’t need to buy 2 of the entire 60 figure wave.  (Well, maybe you do.  But before you leap, you should look.)