
The Science of Sleep


It took me 4 months to see it but I did…on the big screen….and
thank the lordy I did….

Wonderful…what more can I say? Gondry is brilliant. Gael has
proved himself as a comic actor, Charlotte Gainsbourg has an amazing
appeal, and Alain Chabat (Guy) is going to do the Hollywood cross-over
very soon.

I had a lot of fun…laughed out loud. If anything I wanted a little
more of the Hollywood ending..just a tad bit more…maybe it was
because the last scene was a little too awkward ..not sure. But what
fantastic images….and amazing cast. One of the best of the year.

Cybergosh, Eros, Lekker….why is this missing from your best-of lists?


4 Responses

  1. Eros Welker says:

    I haven’t seen it… and I’m afraid I may hate it.  These types of movies either connect so well or miss horribly for me.  It’s totally DVD worthy though.

  2. Cybergosh says:

    oops!  i forgot this one!  i have to go back and add it in…to my disappointments list 🙁

  3. Bake Snaker says:

    oh eff you man …eff you

  4. junktape says:

    Crap, I just wrote my best-of list as a comment in Eros’ entry and I totally forgot this movie.  YES, one of the best of the year by far.  I did not enjoy it as much as Eternal Sunshine.  I almost look at this as a remake of that movie, at least in concept.  Like Stranger than Fiction, it kept my interest and was remarkably original.  Loved Gainsbourg…