Doctor Who Finale Brings Tears


Jesus Christ. I can’t say how much I love this show. Sure, there are a few wonky episodes I wouldn’t use to sell the series on anyone, but even shows like Buffy and Battlestar Galactica have episodes like that. Overall, this is some of the most inventive sci-fi I’ve seen in years. It’s endlessly fun and has an amazing re-watchability factor — seeds are planted in various episodes that arc beautifully.

Like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it uses its camp value to create a winking humor that endears you to the genre. And also like Buffy, it has the ability to be deadly serious when the chips are down. It’s amazing how much you come to care for these characters. I never thought anyone could fill David Eccleston’s shoes from the first season, but David Tennant brings a child-like whimsy to the role. He is full of glee, and yet with a simple change of his eyes he becomes deadly serious. As they say, he is what monsters have nightmares about.

Christa and I just watched the season two finale on UK DVD and we went from cheering and screaming like children, literally clapping our hands and giggling, to suddenly sobbing. Christa cried for nearly ten minutes. I swear. Just good, fun television. I wish I were a twelve year old kid in London, so I could watch this with my family and just be a kid all over again.

…with bad teeth.


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