
GTW’s Weekly Star Wars News


GregtheWookiee here, figuring I might as well share some of my weekly geekly Star Wars headlines with those of you who give a womp turd… Here are some of the more interesting tidbits, gathered from sources such as rebelscum.com, theforce.net and swactionnews.com. If you are a fan in any way, these links are worth a quick click…



Worth1000 hosts photoshop images of celebrities as Star Wars Characters, “A Great Disturbance” Mockumentary and “George and Me” Documentary now available on DVD, Origins of the creation of the Boba Fett character are revealed, “Making of Star Wars” book and “Sculpting a Galaxy” (regular and limited edition) books available for preorder at Amazon, Odd collectible Russian Dolls based on saga characters coming soon, CINEMAX HD website has info on all six films in HD starting November 10th, and exclusive promo videos on their site, including saga scenes set to a song by Coldplay.

Also – Stan Winston Studios Hardcover book now available at Amazon.

If anyone has any questions about where to find certain items, what sites are good for costumes, what are good sources of information, etc — drop a reply to this post and ask away. There is a LOT more I could report but something tells me if you cared, you’d already know this stuff wink But it IS called Entertainment Geekly, so I thought I’d try.


1 Response

  1. Star Wars is for fags.