
Rules for EG


For those new to posting content, new to EG or just want to know the do’s and don’ts, click away. This is important. Everyone should read this once.

1. Don’t post pornography. Link to it, if you have to – but don’t post it. You can obscure certain things or mask it or whatever – but it’s a badling.

2. Don’t post other people’s content verbatim. The beauty of the web is that it’s a shared medium – you can sum up someone else’s sort and share the link to their content. Otherwise, it’s a copyright violation. Sharing YouTube or other content, where encouraged, is fine – but don’t cut & paste other people’s content.

The basic rule of thumb is just to sum up the story and offer the hyperlink to the source. You can quote, but don’t just grab the whole thing.

3. Don’t promote yet. Please. We’re not ready yet – getting there – but please respect that I want us to have certain things in place before we “go public.”

4. DO use your entertainmentgeekly.com address. I have it routing to your “real” email, and I can change it whereever you prefer. Just let me know – and if you don’t know what your EG email is, ask away as well.



2 Responses

  1. Junkfish master Pap says:

    Will not post other people’s stuff verbatim, but is it okay if we don’t pass it off as our own but list where it came from?  Such as the article I posted about CGI?

    “Friday, May 12, 2006

    By Merissa Marr and Kate Kelly, The Wall Street Journal”

  2. Eros Welker says:

    The best thing to do is really sum up what you think is cool about the article or put your own opinion there – and then just share the link for people to read.  Sourcing the content is fine if you just grab an excerpt and have that be part of a larger article, but if you’re just printing the whole article, that’s no good.